Nomad Electric enters the Romanian photovoltaic market

Nomad Electric, a leading provider of services in the construction and maintenance of large-scale photovoltaic (PV) installations, opens its branch in Bucharest. Starting operations on the Romanian market is in line with the Company’s international development strategy.

Nomad Electric has concluded contracts for Operations & Maintenance services for a portfolio of PV projects with a total capacity over 800 MWp, which makes it the industry leader in Poland. In 2023, the Company has plans for a further international expansion, following the operating model of farm servicing, which has been developed so far.

– We are part of the group which operates in a number of European countries, while the RES market in Central and Eastern Europe is on the rise and offers great opportunities. Opening a branch in Romania, which is an emerging market, is a natural step given the fact that, according to the European Green Deal, by 2030, Romania has to meet the goal of over 30% of renewable energy sources in its energy mix. This creates a lot of new potential and we intend to use it up. – says Pawel Muszynski, Business Development Director at Nomad Electric.

Nomad Electric is a reliable partner for entities investing in large-scale PV farms in Romania, as it possesses good references and technical know-how. The Company has a high-tech Monitoring Center and performs diagnostics of farms located in various places in Europe using the SCADA system, which is supported by tools for advanced data analytics aimed at maintaining effective energy production. Nomad Electric has developed e.g. its own software called “Nomad NX”, which controls power generation in real-time. Furthermore, the Company uses other advanced technologies in precision testing of modules, such as thermal imaging inspections with the use of drones equipped with high-resolution cameras and thermal sensitivity sensors, or electroluminescence imaging. With these solutions, quick detection and identification of defects in PV modules can take place.

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